Dog care, self care. Love life with your dog.

My dog is too anxious to listen! Jul 16, 2024

Are you struggling to make progress with your anxious dog because you can't get them to focus?  Maybe they seem less interested in your treats than the environment? 

If your...

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Why is my fearful dog so distracted during training? Jul 09, 2024

Do you ever throw up your hands during a training session with your sensitive pup, because you can't seem to get them to focus? Maybe they seem easily distracted, or stubborn, or like they just...

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Dog Hates Fireworks? How To Help. fearful dogs Jun 25, 2024

Fireworks are tough on many dogs. What can you do to help your dog get through the fireworks season? Here are a few approaches:  


Strategy #1 For Dealing With Fireworks: Get...

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Cooling Mats For Dogs- Review Jun 18, 2024

Have a sensitive dog who doesn't love the heat, but you can't put a bandana or vest on them?  Cooling mats might be a good option for you.

There are many types of commercially available cooling...

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Training Fearful Dogs To Take Pills fearful dogs May 14, 2024

Is your sensitive pup a slow, suspicious eater? Are you running out of ways to trick them into taking their pills? 

For dogs who quickly gulp down treats without chewing them, and will...

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Does your dog freak out when separated from you in the house? fearful dogs May 07, 2024

Would you like to be able to put your dog in another room or a crate when you have visitors, but your dog doesn't tolerate being separated from you? This can make it really tough to have guests, if...

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Will Your Dog Get Better With Time And Patience? fearful dogs Apr 30, 2024

Have you heard that you just need to "Give your dog more time"?  Are time, patience, and love really enough to build your fearful dog's confidence and change their behavior? 

In my...

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Our Favorite Enrichment Games For Fearful Dogs enrichment fearful dogs Apr 23, 2024

You want your fearful dog to feel happier and more confident- but where to start? Enrichment games are a great way to get more joy into your dog's day. Here are some favorites from our Confidence...

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Why Comforting Your Dog Isn't Working Apr 16, 2024

Are you heaping love and reassurance on your fearful dog, but just can't seem to make them feel better? The reason could be a "comfort mismatch" between humans and dogs. 

We humans have ways...

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Helping Your Dog Feel Safer At Home: 4 Real-Life Examples fearful dogs Apr 09, 2024

If you have a fearful dog, you likely want them to feel safe and secure. But what does that mean, and how do you go about implementing it? 

This week, I share four real-life examples from our...

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Does Your Fearful Dog Want To Be Petted? fearful dogs Apr 02, 2024

One of the hardest things about living with a very fearful dog? Not being able to shower them with affection the way you'd like.  Many of the fearful dogs I work with are not...

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Getting your dog into and out of the car: 3 options fearful dogs Mar 12, 2024

Is your dog afraid of getting into the car? Or maybe you're just looking for an easier loading up option than the one you've been using? 

In earlier blogs, I've talked about how to train a dog...

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