Dog care, self care. Love life with your dog.

Top 3 Skills for Fearful Foster Dogs fearful dogs Jun 06, 2022

June is Foster a Pet month, and I'll be talking about foster dog-related topics all month.  This week, I share the 3 skills I think are top priority to teach a fearful foster...

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Rolling Over: Does Your Dog Want Belly Rubs? fearful dogs May 23, 2022

How can you tell if a dog who rolls over wants belly rubs, or is scared? Many fearful dogs roll over when approached, and don't want to be touched. This week, I go over what to look for when...

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Scent Work for Introducing Fearful Dogs to New Places fearful dogs May 16, 2022

Do you have a dog who is hesitant to explore new places? Many fearful dogs find any new, frightening.  We love Scent Work games for easing fearful dogs' introduction to a new home, to...

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Stationing Behavior For Dog Grooming & Health Care fearful dogs May 09, 2022

Does your dog run away when you try to trim their nails, or clean their ears? It's hard to give our dogs the care they need when they're afraid of it.  Luckily, there are a number of behaviors...

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Traveling When You Have A Fearful Dog fearful dogs May 03, 2022

If you've won the trust of a fearful dog, congratulations! Your patience and hard work has paid off.  But if you're the ONLY person that fearful dog is comfortable with, traveling away...

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More Effective Dog Training: How to Reinforce fearful dogs reactive dogs Apr 25, 2022

You might notice that, even when you're using the same reinforcer, some days your training progresses more smoothly. There are several possible explanations for this- this week, we're...

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More Effective Dog Training: Choosing Reinforcers fearful dogs reactive dogs Apr 18, 2022

If you've tried using different reinforcers when training your dog, you might have noticed that some seem to work better than others. Whether you're using food or other training...

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Using Training Rewards Effectively: Where and When to Reinforce fearful dogs reactive dogs Apr 12, 2022

If you've ever struggled to reach your training goals with your dog, you might have wondered what you could do to get better results. Whether you are using food or other training...

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Non-Food Reinforcers: Considerations and Favorites fearful dogs reactive dogs Mar 21, 2022

Are there times when it seems like your dog isn't interested in treats? Food can be a very convenient reinforcer to use in dog training, as we discussed last week. But sometimes, there might...

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Food Reinforcers: Considerations and Favorites fearful dogs reactive dogs Mar 14, 2022

If you have tried training your dog, chances are that you've experimented with food reinforcers. With so many options, it can be tricky to know which is the best fit for your dog and your...

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Introducing your Fearful Dog to a Pet Sitter fearful dogs reactive dogs Mar 07, 2022

If you have a fearful dog, you might be wondering if you'll ever be able to go on vacation again. Finding and introducing a fearful dog to a pet sitter successfully requires forethought and careful...

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Dog Toothpaste Review fearful dogs Feb 28, 2022

Are you looking to try some new toothpaste to step up your dog's dental care? As we come to the end of Pet Dental Health month, we test out a few different toothpaste products made for dogs. Our...

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