Does your sensitive dog avoid their harness? This is a common problem for dogs who don’t love being handled. Last week, I covered Part 1 of harness training for...
If you have a fearful dog, you know that sensitive pups often struggle to enjoy walks the way other dogs do. The outdoor world can be scary, never mind all of the potential challenges a...
Does your fearful dog refuse to go out on walks? Maybe they hate their collar, harness, or leash. Or maybe the outdoor world terrifies them. Over the next several weeks...
Many of you have asked how to start walking your reactive dog with your other dog(s), after you’ve done some training with your reactive pup on their own. In Part 1...
Walking two dogs together when one is reactive can be a challenge. In Part 1 of this series, we covered training steps you can practice out on walks when you have two...
We asked those of you in ourfree Facebook support groupfor your top questions about training your reactive dog, and you were happy to help! So this week we have an...
You’ve been been working hard with your reactive dog, and you think you’re ready to try walking them with your second dog. Congrats! (If you're not there yet, check...
The students in our online reactive dog program, theReactive Dog Survival Guide, often have more than one dog at home. Once their reactive dog has improved on walks, a common...
Recently we talked aboutwhat to do if your dog won’t eat treatsin training sessions. But what if your dog WILL eat, but treats aren’t working to change their...
Do you dream of relaxing hikes with your reactive dog, but you’re not sure if it’s in the cards? In this week’s video we talked about how to tell if your...